Being Blaise

Bringing people together to make pet care better

What makes Blaise special?

Rather than repurposing a pre-existing building, Blaise Veterinary Referral Hospital was built from scratch which enabled us to create a space that allows our multidisciplinary veterinary teams to work collaboratively.

Designed by veterinary professionals, for veterinary professionals, clinical staff at all levels were involved in the planning of Blaise and its layout to ensure it worked effectively.

Blaise has open-plan hub areas to enable effective teamwork and collaboration. For us, it was important that our specialist-led discipline teams had their own areas for focused work. As a result, our hubs enable teams to work next to colleagues in shared spaces allowing cross-discipline work leading to better patient outcomes.

We believe that creating and promoting a positive culture within the Blaise community helps improve the care we provide. We have many open plan spaces to encourage communication between our teams making it easier to discuss a case, ask for help or recognise that others may need support.

Our senior nursing team, who are responsible for managing the clinical floor, were involved in planning the layout of the clinical areas so they have visibility and oversight and check that workflow is optimised.

The layout of Blaise has been planned to enable easy movement and communication between team members, and to facilitate logical patient travel between consultation, stabilisation, anaesthesia, procedure and to the hospital ward. Our clinical hub areas are the anaesthesia induction suite, which sits just outside the sterile theatre complex and next to the internal medicine and diagnostic imaging zones; the second clinical hub is the central prep area, which accesses the consult rooms, the wards, the laboratory and the pharmacy. The intensive care suite sits between the two hub areas. 





We bring people together to make pet care better