
View our pricing

Prices correct as of 6th November 2024. Restrictions and exclusions apply.

Initial Consultation - £350


Echo Puppy/Kitten
Only for patients which are asymptomatic, includes a consultation with a cardiology specialist and a Doppler echocardiography.
Echo Standard
Only for patients which are asymptomatic, includes a consultation with a cardiology specialist, blood pressure measurement and Doppler echocardiography, with simultaneous ECG.
Pericardiocentesis Initial
Includes initial consultation, hospitalisation, blood pressure measurement, echocardiography and pericardiocentesis.
Interventional Cardiology
i.e., PDA occlusion, balloon valvuloplasty for pulmonic stenosis, and transvenous pacemaker implantation.

The above packages include the procedure, hospitalisation (up to 2 days) and a re-check consultation. 
Prices correct as of 6th November 2024. Restrictions and exclusions apply.

Internal Medicine

Abdominal Ultrasound (including sedation From £685
CT Scan (including sedation) From £1,100
Respiratory/Nasal Investigation From £2,000
Gastrointestinal Investigation (excluding endoscopy) From £1,500
Gastrointestinal Endoscopy From £1,200
Urinary Investigation (excluding urethrocystoscopy) From £1,500
Urethrocystoscopy From £1,200

Please note that these are indicative costs and not fixed packages. A detailed estimate would be discussed with you at the time of any consultation and will be based on the individual presentation/requirements.
Prices correct as of 6th November 2024. Restrictions and exclusions apply.


Epilepsy Investigation
Includes MRI, bloods and CSF sample.
Hemilaminectomy (spinal surgery) <15kg
Includes advanced imaging, surgery, routine hospitalisation (up to 3 days) and re-check consultation.
Hemilaminectomy (spinal surgery) >15kg
Includes advanced imaging, surgery, routine hospitalisation (up to 3 days) and re-check consultation.
MRI Scan (including general anaesthesia)
Please note this price includes general anaesthesia for a single-site MRI with routine interpretation, further costs would be incurred for additional sites, use of contrast, urgent reporting etc.
From £2,700


Initial Work-up (US/x-ray)
Includes FNA, ultrasound, 4 x-rays, bloods and urinalysis.
Initial Work-up with CT
Includes FNA, 3x CT areas, bloods and urinalysis.

Orthopaedic Surgery

Lameness Investigation 1
Includes x-rays, joint sampling and hospitalisation.
Lameness Investigation 2
Includes 2 x CT areas, joint sampling and hospitalisation.
Lameness Investigation 3
Includes 2 x CT areas, joint sampling, 1 side arthroscopy and hospitalisation.
Lameness Investigation 4
Includes 2 x CT areas, joint sampling, 2 side arthroscopy and hospitalisation.
Medial Luxating Patella
All-inclusive package, surgery, hospitalisation, re-check consultations and follow-up x-rays.
Fracture Repair 1 (pinning and wiring)
All-inclusive package, surgery, hospitalisation, re-check consultations and follow-up x-rays.
Fracture Repair 2 (plating/type 1 external fixator)
All-inclusive package, surgery, hospitalisation, re-check consultations and follow-up x-rays.
Fracture Repair 3 (pelvis/double plate)
All-inclusive package, surgery, hospitalisation, re-check consultations and follow-up x-rays.
Fracture Repair 4 (multiple limbs/articular/juxta articular)
All-inclusive package, surgery, hospitalisation, re-check consultations and follow-up x-rays.
Hip Luxation Toggle
All-inclusive package, surgery, hospitalisation, re-check consultations and follow-up x-rays.
Femoral Head/Neck Osteotomy
All-inclusive package, surgery, hospitalisation, re-check consultations and follow-up x-rays.
Arthrodesis (Partial Carpal/Tarsal)
All-inclusive package, surgery, hospitalisation, re-check consultations and follow-up x-rays.
Arthrodesis (Pan-Carpal/Pan-Tarsal)
All-inclusive package, surgery, hospitalisation, re-check consultations and follow-up x-rays.
All-inclusive package, surgery, initial consultation, hospitalisation, re-check consultations and follow up x-rays.

Please note unless it states otherwise the above packages do not include the initial consultation.
Prices correct as of 6th November 2024. Restrictions and exclusions apply.

Soft Tissue Surgery

Laryngeal Tie-back
Includes surgery, up to two days of hospitalisation and a re-check consultation.
Includes surgery and up to two days of hospitalisation. Excludes CT (add-on £500), tracheostomy.
Perineal Herniorrhaphy (unilateral)
Includes surgery, up to two days of hospitalisation and a re-check consultation.
Perineal Herniorrhaphy (bilateral)
Includes surgery, up to two days of hospitalisation and a re-check consultation.
TECA (unilateral)
Includes surgery, up to two days of hospitalisation and a re-check consultation. Excludes CT (add-on £500).
Wound/external mass excision
Includes surgery, up to two days of hospitalisation and a re-check consultation.

Please note unless it states otherwise the above packages do not include the initial consultation.
Prices correct as of 6th November 2024. Restrictions and exclusions apply.