Linda De Jonge

OOH Night Nurse

Linda De Jonge - OOH Night Nurse
Linda De Jonge RVN CertVNECC OOH Night Nurse

Linda graduated in the Netherlands as a vet nurse in 2018, and very quickly secured a job at a first opinion practice in Ross on Wye, for which she moved to the UK.

It was here that Linda learnt the basics and discovered she had a keen interest in emergency and out-of-hours work. 

Linda completed the Vets Now Certificate in Emergency and Critical Care in 2022 and passed with distinction.

Linda moved between several practices, also undertaking locum work to try and find where her qualities were utilised best and what she enjoyed most.

Linda started working as an out-of-hours night nurse at Blaise in May 2024.

Outside of work, Linda enjoys nice cocktails with friends, playing boardgames, lane swimming and cuddling her dogs and cat.