Well done Belle!

Belle's Story

Belle is an adorable Schnoodle who was seen initially by our internal medicine service for investigation of vomiting, lethargy and inappetence. Our specialist imager diagnosed her to have an enlarged, abnormal gallbladder. Lara Dempsey, one of the Soft Tissue surgeons, took Belle immediately to surgery on the same day as her investigations, to remove the gallbladder.

Analysis of the gallbladder showed that Belle had a gallbladder mucocoele where the gallbladder becomes distended by an inappropriate accumulation of mucus which leads to thick gelatinous bile and obstruction of the biliary tract. If left, this can lead to rupture of the gall bladder.

However, Belle has not looked back since her surgery and has her appetite back as she loves her food! This is an example where, at Blaise we are fortunate to have multiple referral disciplines to optimise patient care and get the best outcomes for patients.

Well done Belle!